From Here To Diversity’s approach to organizational consultation is a comprehensive and holistic methodology aimed at aligning an organization’s identity with its mission, vision, and values, while also integrating Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Anti-Racism (I.D.E.A.), and Cultural Competence into the organizational culture.
From Here To Diversity has designed a well-rounded method of guiding organizations through the process of cultural transformation, alignment, and integration of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Anti-Racism, and Cultural Competence, by focusing on the organization’s identity and empowering individuals, this approach strives to create lasting and positive change within the organization.
Let’s break down the key elements of this approach:
- Holistic Approach: This approach considers the organization as a whole entity, taking into account all aspects of its identity, including branding, mission, values, messaging, brand differentiation, and brand experience. By looking at the organization holistically, the consultation can ensure that all elements are aligned and cohesive with the organization’s core principles.
- Assessment and Analysis: The consultation process involves a thorough assessment and analysis of the organization’s current state, including its strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This step helps identify gaps and challenges in the organization’s identity and cultural integration.
- (Re)definition and Development of Identity: The consultation aims to redefine and develop the organization’s identity by aligning it with its mission, vision, and values. This may involve revisiting and refining the organization’s brand identity, messaging, and differentiation strategies.
- Integration of I.D.E.A. and Cultural Competence: The consultation process works with the organization to develop a singular approach to the integration of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Anti-Racism, and Cultural Competence. By embedding these principles into every area of the organization, the goal is to create a more inclusive and equitable workplace culture.
- Comprehensive and Collaborative Process: The consultation process involves engaging every area of the organization, ensuring that all stakeholders have a voice in the process. This collaborative approach can lead to greater buy-in and commitment to transformational efforts.
- Empowering Every Individual: The consultation aims to provide tools and knowledge to every individual within the organization, enabling them to participate in the transformation and promote Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Anti-Racism, and Cultural Competence in their day-to-day work. Empowering individuals with these skills can contribute to the sustainability of cultural change.
- Sustainable Cultural Transformation: By embedding the principles of I.D.E.A. and Cultural Competence into the organization’s identity and culture, the consultation aims to create a sustainable transformation. When these principles become fundamental ways of being for everyone in the organization, it can lead to long-lasting and positive change.